8th Wage Commission Breaking News Know How Much Wage Rise Pay Rising Government Employees Bat-bat-bat? Know how much salary can increase from the 8th pay commission

8th pay commission

Commission of the 8th remuneration: In order to relieve every employee in the era of inflation, the government increases the DA. At the same time, a remuneration commission is formed every 10 years in the country to modify the salary structure of central employees. This remuneration commission gives recommendations to align the salary of employees with the current context. Based on this, first the central government and then the state governments are restructuring their salaries.

To date, 7 salary commissions have been set up in the country. The first wage commission in the country was formed in January 1946. At the same time, the last one i.e. the seventh wage commission was formed on February 28, 2014. In such a situation, it has been 8 years since the 7th wages commission, the atmosphere of discussion around the 8th wages commission has heated up in the employee organisations. If this happens, then 68 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners will directly benefit.

The government refuses for the moment

When the Central Wage Commission is formed, questions are put by the trade unions to the government. However, during the monsoon session, the government made it clear that at present it had no proposals under consideration to charge for the eighth commission. Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Choudhary told Parliament on Monday that at present there is no idea on the 8th Wages Commission.

How much can the salary increase

The government may have refused the wages commission for now, but there is a stir among the employee unions about it. The organizations say that at present, the minimum wage limit has been kept at Rs 18,000. In this, the incremental adjustment factor is 2.57 times, although the 7th Wage Commission recommends keep it at 3.68 times. If the recommendation is accepted, the minimum wage for central employees will increase from Rs 18,000 to Rs 26,000.

Will the salary commission be abolished?

We also hear that after the 7th Wage Commission, its tradition will come to an end. That is, after this 8th or any other new salary commission will not come. Instead, the government can set up an automatic raise system. In this, the increase in the salaries of government employees will be done automatically. It can be like an increase in private jobs. In this, if the DA is greater than 50%, there will be an automatic salary review.

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William M. Mayer