Syndicate Bank Probationary Clerk Jobs - April 2010. Syndicate Bank, a Premier Nationalised Bank, invites Online applications from Indian citizens for the following posts :
Probationary Clerks : 1000 posts in various states
Pay Scale : Rs.4410-13210/-
Age : 18-28 years as on 01/03/2010. Age relaxation by Govt. rules.
Application Fee : Rs.200/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH) should be paid at any branch of the Syndicate Bank in the prescribed payment vouchers.
Selection Procedure : Written test (objective) of 200 marks of 105 minutes on 27/06/2010 and interview for select candidates only.
How to Apply: All eligible candidates should apply Online only at the website if Syndicate Bank between 13/04/2010 and 12/05/2010. Take a printout of the submitted application and keep it with you and produce it on the examination center along with fee payment slip.
For all the details and online submission of application visit -