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reverse mortgage

Reverse Mortgage: Home can serve a Steady Flow of Income in Old Age

We all are worried how our lives would be after we age 60 or more. At that age, you do not really have any assurance how you will be able to repay the loan amount. In such cases, there ...

4 Time Wasters at Work You Need to Stop

Tired of not getting things done at work? Sick of being unproductive due to all the distractions around you? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Go through the following 4 time wasters ...

Five Ways to Improve Your Employees Productivity

Humans are lazy by nature and employees will only do as much work as they need to during their working day. This means that you will likely lose out on profit as they fail to sell more ...
start saving at 40

Is it too Late to save? How To Start Saving at 40

One in five workers in the UK hasn’t put anything away for their retirement and is planning on relying on their state pension. However, the maximum state pension that you could receive ...

What’s Right for you: Fulltime vs. Part Time Freelance Work

Working a traditional 40 hour week in an office isn’t the norm anymore, as more and more people are turning to freelance work instead. Around 4.2 million people are thought to work ...
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