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How to Deal with Burnout and Productivity

Laywers are famous for being ambitious and competitive. They push themselves to work longer hours than their coworkers, bill more hours, make partner at a younger age, attract bigger ...

Dump the Desk and Work Outside

As an attorney with his or her sights set on being the next Steven Guynn, New York, NY‘s successful attorney), your job is to serve your clients to the best of your ability. ...

How to Get Out of Debt and Boost Your Credit

Debt can be both good and bad, depending on how much debt you have and your proven ability to pay it back. Lately, banks and lenders get a bad rap, especially when it comes to personal ...

How to Save Money via Online Shopping

The internet has not only brought tons of information closer to people within seconds but also it’s a great way to shop without leaving your home. Online shopping, a fashionable task ...
learn lessons

Lessons to Learn From the Best and Brightest

No matter whether you are a neophyte in business, an entrepreneur or an expert in your field, never let it be said you cannot learn something new by looking back at those that have ...
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