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Energy Companies Hiding Behind Complex, Confusing Tariffs

Some of the leading energy companies in the UK – and the Big Six have been singled out in particular – have been accused of hiding behind complex and confusing tariffs, and refusing ...

5 Claims that Will Increase your Home Insurance Rates

Getting free homeowner’s insurance coverage is the holy grail for every homeowner, but that’s unrealistic. Most people settle for lowering their premiums as much as possible. ...
video conferencing for startups

Video Conferencing Guide for New Startups and Companies

If you’re looking to try and improve your company’s communication capabilities, you might look at any possible alternatives to e-mail, phone or instant messaging. Powwow Now video ...

Tips to Help your Business take Advantage of Social Media Websites

The below article has been provided by Todd McCullough - an independent blogger and finance researcher. He writes financial advice and money saving themed articles for financing ...
protected car

Car Insurance: Five Misconceptions You Need to Know

Having low-cost insurance is beneficial, but in order to save money and time, you have to understand the specifics of your policy. When you’re unaware of the car insurance coverages ...
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