5 Great Part Time Retirement Job Ideas

Many young people today think about their retirement years as something very exciting. They imagine themselves traveling or doing anything to enjoy the remaining years of their lives. But, if these young people only know how boring retirement years can be they would definitely wish they were young again to go back to work. However, being retired nowadays does not necessarily mean being stuck at home 24 hours a day. Even when you have already retired please be aware that you can still continue to earn and enjoy life by getting into any of the following job opportunities.

Seasonal Accounting

Many retirees especially those who have backgrounds in accounting can still work as tax preparers for any tax preparation franchise companies. It is because being retired does not mean you have to start being afraid of tax forms and numbers. This is a seasonal job which means that you will still have time to enjoy being retired with your loved ones.

Sales Person

Being a sales person in one of your favorite stores in the neighborhood is certainly one of the best ways to earn money during retirement years. Choose a retail store which sells items that are within your interest and inclination. May retailers prefer to hire older salespersons because they have more knowledge when it comes to dealing with people of different ages. Sales persons can work on flexible shifts and for only a few hours each day. You can even schedule your work for only three days in a week depending on the store owner.

Arts and Crafts

If you are the kind of person who loves to do anything artistic, think about selling those products of your creative imagination. You can indulge in cross-stitching, crocheting, wood working or painting and then sell these items to other people. This will not only spare you from boredom but, it will also give you an opportunity to earn while enjoying your hobby.

Personal Tutor

Who says that you are going to stop teaching as soon as you retire? Don’t you know that your retirement years are better spent on teaching younger students through one-on-one sessions? This is a perfect way to pass your knowledge to other people without the stress of having to do it in eight hours. Tutoring can be done within a specific and limited schedule. Thus, you can go home right before you feel exhausted.

Freelance Consultant

Being a consultant allows you the opportunity to share what you have learned in your field of expertise for so many years. Try calling company owners or managers and offer your services as a consultant. This job also allows you to earn more money in a less stressful manner. Another best thing about being a consultant is that people look up to you not just as an ordinary retiree. They will look up to you as their inspiration and as a very credible source of knowledge.

These are just few of the many ways to earn and enjoy life being a retiree. Remember that life gets even more exciting upon retiring.

About Author : Hannah Munson runs the resource called, How Much Is It.org It’s a resource that helps you find the price on anything ranging from a new remodeling job to a new backyard deck.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of Startmysalary.com, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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4 Responses to “5 Great Part Time Retirement Job Ideas”

  1. Praveen says:

    Very good & useful idea after Retirement for Part Time Jobs. thanks to sharing useful post.

  2. PrIyAnGsHu says:

    Great ideas Hannah. These are some great part time job ideas after getting retired. BTW, I think working online is another great method to generate income after retirement.
    PrIyAnGsHu recently posted..I’m Not Making Any Money Out of My Blog – Why ?My Profile

  3. Ashok says:

    Very informative idea to retired persons who want to Part Time Jobs, i like your post, it is very helpful for us. i like your post.

  4. katherin says:

    After the retirement every one thought to take rest only but your post gives the idea to work after the retirement also..its a great share.

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