Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Executive Interns Jobs (200 Posts) 2010. Applications are invited from Indian Citizens and certain other categories of persons for appointments to the following posts on contract basis.
Post: Executive Interns, 200 posts (UR-101, SC-30, ST-15, OBC-54) (PWD-6) on contract basis.
How to Apply: Applicant either apply Offline or Online. The Online can be submitted at RBI website only upto 23/08/2010, while office applications in the prescribed format or print-out can be submitted upto 30/08/2010 (this date is 06/09/2010 for candidates from far-flung areas and abroad). The application should be sent to The General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Post Bag No.4618, Mumbai Central Post Office, Mumbai-400008 by ordinary post.
Details and Application form