Features and Advantages of Logbook Loans

Needless to say that logbook loans is the best short term credit solution. In this article we will discuss why this is so beneficial and the requirements that you need to fulfill in order to avail this loan. In today’s world where availing a loan is so difficult without a proper credit history logbook loans can be availed irrespective of what your credit ratings are. After the big recession that hit the economy of the world, the loan providing organizations have been very strict with their loan providing terms and conditions. The first criterion that they adhere to is that the one who applies for the loan has a good credit history. And that is real tough owing to the huge financial loss that people of all sectors have faced due to the recession.

Fundamental requirements to avail a logbook loan:

There are some basic factors that need to be taken into consideration whilst applying for a logbook loan. These are:

  • The One who is applying for the loan should definitely be a resident of that particular country.
  • The one who is applying for the loan should be an adult (18 years of age)
  • The car should be free from any sort of outstanding tax or insurance payments.
  • The car must not be older than 8-10 years.
  • The car should not be damaged.
  • On should make sure that the car is not damaged especially until the loan amount is completely repaid.

Benefits of availing a logbook loan

Out of the many benefits that a logbook loan provides let us go through some of the most important ones:

No credit check – One does not need to go through any sort of credit check whilst going for a logbook loan. This is one of the most advantageous features of logbook loans. Getting a loan without a credit check is something which is indeed very helpful as it allows even those to get a loan that do not have a very good credit history.

Instant issue – This is yet another feature of this loan. It gets processed very soon and is therefore vey handy for those who are in need of instant cash to fulfill their short term urgent requirements. If all the documents that are required (especially the logbook or the V5 document) is valid and bona-fide then the loan will get processed in no time at all.

Possession of car – the car can be retained by the one who has availed the loan. This is again pretty helpful as those who suffice their business needs with the car can easily continue with that.

Low interest rate – The interest rate is also fairly low on logbook loans when compared to other short term credit solutions. Therefore one does not need to worry a lot about repaying it.

Easy modes of repayments – One can choose any mode of repayment from the various modes available. This helps on to repay it without any sort of pressure whatsoever.

Author’s Bio - Steve Irons has written several quality articles on Logbook Loans. He suggests his readers to visit Logbookmoney.com to avail more information on the same.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of Startmysalary.com, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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