How to Save Excessive Income Tax with Uniform Tax Refund in UK

Uniform tax refund is a great way to get rid of the excessive income tax burden. If your work place allows you to wear a uniform and you have to wash it by yourself then you are likely to get the uniform tax refund. The amount of the uniform tax rebate generally depends on your industry.

The government of the United Kingdom provides £60 as the standard allowance for uniform maintenance as per the year of 2012-13. The low bracket tax payers will be able to claim 20% of £60 which is £12 and the high bracket tax payers will be able to claim 40% of £60 which is £24. The amount £60 is a flat rate and people generally don’t need to report their financial details.

It is viewed that maximum people claim their previous years’ as well as the current year’s uniform tax rebate at a time. It that case, the person will get the previous years’ rebate at the previous years’ flat rate. For example, till April 2008 the flat rate was £45.

The uniform tax rebate program also benefits some specified industrial workers with high flat rate which extends to maximum £140. The industries are- aluminium, building, constructional & engineering, healthcare and private hospitals, iron and steel, police force, printing, seaman, shipyards vehicles and wood and furniture. These industries have higher limit of the flat rate.

The workers of these industries not only get the tax rebate for their uniforms but also for the equipments they use at their workplace. If any high bracket tax payer works in any of these industries then he can get highest £56 tax on every claim.

The method of getting the tax rebate is simple. You have to have a uniform at your workplace and your employer does not provide any monetary support to maintain that uniform. If you want to register yourself for the tax rebate then you have to write a letter to your local tax office stating that it is your first claim on your uniform tax refund.

While writing the letter, the claimant must put his contact details, the occupation and job industry and the employment record of the previous years. After the process, you can get the benefit in hand or you can deduct it from the annual tax. But the tax office provides the money in cheque if you want to take the tax benefit in cash. Either way both ways of receiving the uniform tax rebate is beneficial.

Vijayraj Reddy
Vijayraj Reddy is founder & editor-in-chief of, a financial blog which helps people to earn money, invest money and save money. You can find him on Facebook & Twitter or send him email at [email protected]

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