School principals up to Rwf 1.3 million – KT PRESS
Following the salary increase for teachers earlier this month, the Ministry of Civil Service and Labor (MIFOTRA) released a new salary structure, in which a headteacher can earn up to Rwf 1 million and beyond.
The structure first announced this month by the Prime Minister and followed by a ministerial order indicates an 88% increase in the salary of an A2 level teacher.
In this structure which covers all sectors, an experienced 42-year-old head teacher will earn Frw 1.32 million per month.
MIFOTRA says that the government raises salaries every three years and that a manager with a bachelor’s degree, with 42 years of experience, will earn Rwf 1.32 million per month.
A new Headteacher or Grade2 (1-3 years of experience) with a Bachelor’s degree will earn a gross salary of Frw 541,644 (before taxes, benefits and other payroll deductions) and a net salary of Frw 314,450, also known as net salary.
Deductions include pension costs, health insurance costs and maternity costs.
A new teacher or Grade2 (1-3 years of experience) with a degree earns a gross salary of Rwf 418,147 and a net salary of Rwf 246,384. With 42 years of experienced teaching, he will bring home Rwf 709,811.
A new Director of Studies (DOS) and a subject teacher with a bachelor’s degree will earn Rwf 283,656 net and Rwf 306,990 from home for those with 3rd year (4-6 years) experience.
For DOS and Disciplinary teachers with 5th grade (10-12 years) experience, he/she will earn a net salary of Rwf 323,742 and those with 42 years of experience will earn a net salary of Rwf 747,083.
A school employee who is not a teacher but holds a bachelor’s degree will earn a net salary of Frw 225,439 and Frw 688,868 for those with 42 years of experience.
The new Deputy Director of Studies (DDOS) and Graduated Deputy Disciplinary Teacher will earn a net salary of Rwf 283,656 and Rwf 633,759 for those with 42 years of experience.
The new graduate teacher earns Rwf 191,811 and Rwf 541,914, for those with 42 years of experience.
According to MIFOTRA, a new headteacher with a Teacher Training Certificate (TTC) will earn a net salary of Frw 152,525. Principal of Grade 3 (4-6 years experience) will earn Rwf 164,543, Grade 5 Rwf 173,954 (10-12 years experience) and Rwf 394,806 for 42 years of experience.
New DDOS and Assistant Disciplinary Teacher with TTC certificate will earn Rwf 108,488, Grade 3 (4-6 years experience) will earn Rwf 115,294, Grade 5 will earn Rwf 121,229 and Grade 5 (age 13-27) will earn Rwf 127 Rwf, 669 and 42 years of experience will net Rwf 239,513.
For a new teacher with a TTC certificate, he will also earn Rwf 108,488, Grade 3 will earn Rwf 115,294, Grade 5 is Rwf 121,229, Grade 5 is Rwf 127,669 and 42 year old teachers will earn Rwf 239,513 Rwf.
School employees who are not teachers but with certificates will earn Frw 97,826 and Frw 228,851 for those with 42 years of experience.
According to MIFOTRA, other employees who are not teachers, but with certificates, also pocket Rwf 97,826 at home.
A new structure follows the Pay Enhancement Scheme the government unveiled this month which will increase primary teacher salaries by 88%, benefiting the entire profession.
Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente made the announcement during a joint session of Parliament on the government’s successes in the education sector in line with the National Transformation Strategy (NST1).